Latihan Soal Tentang Direct - Indirect Speech

Setelah kita mempelajari materi tentang Direct - Indirect Speech, sekarang kita coba untuk berlatih.
1. He asked me, "Does your mother go to work everyday ?"
2. Mira asked, "May i borrow your bycycle today, Rudi ?"
3. Budi inquired me, " were you late ?"
4. The teacher asked the student if they understood.
5. She wanted to know if i had called me the night before.
6. Ani told me, "I gave her a ring."
7. Budi said to me, "you have to study hard for the test."
8. The children said that their parents had taken them to the zoo the previous week.

Saya kasih satu jawaban untuk nomor satu :
1. He asked me if my mother went to worked everyday.

Silahkan untuk nomor dua sampai delapan, anda coba jawab dan jangan lupa jawabannya ditulis dikotak komentar :) Nanti kita diskusikan !

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