Latihan Relative Clause

Setelah kita mempelajari materi Relative Clause, sekarang kita mencoba untuk berlatih materi tersebut supaya lebih mahir.

*Anda hanya menggabungkan kedua kalimat tersebut dengan menambahkan relative pronoun diantara kedua kalimat tersebut*
Berikut soal nya :

Baca Juga

1. Monday is the day
We will come then

2. The music was good
We listened to it last night

3. The man was very kind
He helped me last night

4. The topic was interesting
Omar talked about it

5. That is the place
The accident occurred there

6. The book is mine
It is on the table

7. The bed was too soft
I slept in that bed

8. The people are very kind
We visited them yesterday

9. The house is very old
Its roof has been damaged

10. That is the place
The accident occurred there

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