Latihan Soal Tentang Pronoun

Sekarang kita berlatih soal tentang Pronoun. Bagi anda yang belum tahu apa itu Pronoun, saya akan bahas sekilas.
Pronoun berarti kata ganti, seperti dia, kamu. Jadi anda diminta untuk memasukkan kata dari [...] tersebut dengan Pronoun yang telah disediakan.

1. Ihsan was born in Jakarta on August 22, 1995. [...] studied at State Senior High School 33, Jakarta.
- Pilihan nya (She/He/Her/Him)

2. In 1961, Dodi met his future wife, Aulia, at a seminar and in 1972 [...] maried.
- Pilihan nya (Them/Their/They)

3. Dodi and Aulia lived in Garut and [...] have two children.
- Pilihan nya (Them/Their/They)

4. [...] went to bookshop to buy a birthday present for [...] brother.
- Pilihan nya (I/Me/Mine) and (My/I/Mine)

5.There were a lot of children's books on the shelves and i began by choosing one of them, then i put [...] on my desk.
- Pilihan nya (It/Its/Them)

6. [...] record was broken and [...] is too.
- Pilihan nya(You/Your) and (Mine/My)

7. [...] car does'nt go fast as [...]
- Pilihan nya (She/Her) and (Our/Ours)

8. [...] saw [...] at school everyday.
- Pilihan nya (I/Me) and (She/Her)

9. Isn't [...] a nice person ?
- Pilihan nya (He/His)

10. My friend and i always went together to school, [...] are ever lasting friend.
- Pilihan nya (We/Our/Us)

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